Request for Adjustment
Any changes to an application that do not affect allocated amounts should utilize the Request for Adjustment procedure. If changes are made to the allocated funding amounts please refer to the Appeals Process.

Changes to an event date, time, location, or speaker require submission of a Request for Adjustment to be reviewed by the SORF Board. An email must be sent to with the subject line REQUEST FOR ADJUSTMENT. In the text of the email, the following information is required:

  1. Organization Name and applicable SORF Application Number(s)
  2. Treasurer Name and Email
  3. President Name and Email
  4. Funding Period of the Original Request
  5. Description of Original Request
  6. Changes to Be Considered and Why

Once reviewed by the SORF Board, the Treasurer will receive a return email response specifying whether the request was approved or denied.

Requests for Adjustment will be automatically denied if submitted after the event has already taken place.

284 Illini Union
1401 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: 217-244-2357
Fax: 217-244-4294

Sunday - Thursday, 7am - 12am
Friday & Saturday, 7am - 1am
SORF hours may differ from Illini Union hours.