SORF Board

SORF is a funding board comprised of 8 elected students (at least 2 of which are graduate/professional status) and 3 appointed staff, for a total of 11 voting members. Students are elected by the student body and serve a 1-year term. Elections are held every spring and administered by the Student Elections Commission. Faculty/Staff members are appointed to one-year terms by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and are frequently re-appointed for a second and third year. Administrative support including the secretary, program advisor, and account technician is provided by Student Programs and Activities Registered Organizations Office in the Illini Union. The Board’s Chair and Vice-Chair are student members elected by the eleven voting members. SORF is currently revising the SORF Manual. It will be available one all approvals are received. If you have questions regarding the manual or other SORF policies please e-mail

The SORF Board is responsible for allocating monetary resources, generated by the Student Organization Resource Fee, to RSO's in support of their programs and activities. The Board proposes their funding recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs for final approval.

SORF Board Members

Student Members
Jaylin McClinton (Chair)
Karim Popatia (Vice Chair)
Dionne Gatling
Kyle Carmack
Frantz Jacques
Colton Kochanek
Anita Mixon
Victor Rivera

Staff Members
Berenice Sanchez
Terry Free
Steven Trame (Fall 2014)
Eric Engler (Spring 2015)

Tim Parrish

Matt Stuart

Janusz Gal

SORF Program Advisor
Melissa Kisubika

Assistant Director
Dementro Powell


284 Illini Union
1401 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: 217-244-2357
Fax: 217-244-4294

Program Advisor
Melissa Kisubika

Account Technician
Cathy Keltz

Assistant Director
Dementro Powell

284 Illini Union
1401 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: 217-244-2357
Fax: 217-244-4294

Sunday - Thursday, 7am - 12am
Friday & Saturday, 7am - 1am
SORF hours may differ from Illini Union hours.